We all know a new year is that time people declare as a new start. It's the opportunity so many see to make a "better effort" with their health or careers or personal lives... It's natural.
Over the last few years I've tried to set goals instead of making "resolutions." I made an effort to focus on making improvements with my mind, body, and spirit... Of course, it turns out I was a little over-zealous and the sum of the total wasn't terribly realistic. Like most people at the new year, I had the best of intentions!

2014 was a great year. And so I decided as this new year approaches that I want to take things from great to better.
I know it won't be easy to measure, but I'll know it when I feel it, and that works for me! This past year was full of brief trips, seeing family and lots of football, finishing my masters degree, and running my own business. Notice the order I put those in? I have priorities!
It was a great year and my hope is 2015 will be even better. I also wish the same for you.